Tuesday, 5 June 2007


Behold the Superman - man is something to be overcome.
What have you done to overcome him?

Friedrich Nietzsche


J said...

Nietzsche was a creep...i ain't a sheep!

hello, this is Qdee's friend...:) i like potatos too :D

juju said...

Hey Joe, thanks for the comment, as you can see I don't get a lot so I really appreciate it.
Glad you also like potatoes :)

Ya, Nietzsche was a creep, and an idiot too ;)
Only used Nietsche cos it's appropriate for the picture and it suites my interpretation (which is completely different to what he meant).
If you have to translate "Thus spoke Zarathustra"; another word used instead of "Superman" is "Overman".
My interpretation: Man by nature is fallible, and it is up to him to try to overcome this to the best of his ability (to be the best that he can possibly be); to attain a "super" level, if you will.
In order to do so he has to reflect upon and recognise his weaknesses and flaws; and has to continuously work at improving himself.
And so, everyday he should pose the question, "What have you done to overcome him?".

I don't agree with what Nietsche meant at all (over time, it is mans destiny to be overcome by a newer, superior version of man; a new "Superman" or "Overman", and the age of men, as we know it today, will end).

In this regard, I have to agree with Tolstoy,
"Nietzsche was stupid and abnormal."

Thanks again for the comment :)

ps: Is your name Johara by any chance (pardon the spelling)?

qdee said...

what? stop the big words!!
yes, jauhara :)
well, potatoes rock.